martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Tourist interview

Excuse me, do you speekn english?
Do you have a minute? We are doing a project for school.
Coul we ask you some questions, pleas?
Where are you from ?
Is it the first time you are in spain?
How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
 By Plane
Why are you in barcelona?
 With friends
How long you are going to stay here?
 Leaving tomorrrow
Are you traveling with your family or friends?
What have you visited up to now?
 All of Spain
What do you like the most?

Have you bought any presents?
 A few
How do you get around in the city by underground,car,bus or on foot?
Metro and taxi
Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
Have you tried any typical spanish or Catalan food?
Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
Do you see any diferences from your country?
Is there anything you don't like?
 Some of the food
Would you recomende Barcelona to your family or friends?
Will you come back again?

Thank you very much for your time!!
Enjoy your holidays


martes, 11 de febrero de 2014


Have you seen any of his plays?
 Yes, I see the Shakespeare in love

Have you seen any movies based on Shakespeare’s plays?
 I have not seen any the Sakespeare play's
Which play would like to see the most and why?
 I would like to see in the theatre "The Hamlet" because I think that Shakeaspeare 
is one of the best writers in the world.

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Love Quotation

He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.

I like the phrase beacuse is nice, and romantic, and i means.

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


1. What is the comic relief?
Comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, scene or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work.
2. Why it often used in horrors films?
Because often the director uses this to relieve tension.
3. Do you remember laughin in horror films? 
 Yes I do, I remember. In this moment I'm laughing with The exorcist film.


1. Who's the director of this movie Psycho?
Alfred Hitchcock

2. What type of characters did he often use in horror films?
 Psychopaths or sociopaths

3. What technique did he use with the camera?
I didn't

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


My dream is being the football player as Didier Drogba that my idol for my is the best football player in the world but my dream as the best football player in the world but is difficult perform this dream but I played the team your name is FC. EMPORDANET, but this dream can be reality.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


Genus and species:
Panthera leo
Collective Term:
A pride of lions

Careers and Hobbies
Business owner
Fine dining
Competitive sports
High fashion

The lion personality has the unmistakable presence of nobility.

My careers and hobbies is the competitive sports.

Famous Lions
Nicholas Cage
Ted Turner
Sharon Stone